Rainy July

July 14, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

This year it is a rainy summer.  Last year it was dry as a bone, by this time.  I've watered my garden some but not much.  I like the rainy summer, I think it's the cooler than the dry one.  

I saw a video and decided that the woman in it was mythic.  She was very articulate, a musician, and brave, in ways that I never think of.  Not a big star but a person who walks her own road that's for sure.  I know her husband.  Which is why I have seen the video's of her on a TED talk and of her on stage doing a song in response to an article in the Daily Mail publication in the UK.  Her response to there saying that her breast had slipped out of her clothes.  Was to go complete naked.  I think I can savely say I know nobody who would get out on a stage naked and sing about it.  She is beyond what I know for sure.  Her husband knows what she is and loves her for it.  In ways they are a mythic couple but I know him, so to me he is not mythic.  I have never seen them together so I guess the couple can be mythic.  Since they've been married I've seen him twice but not her.  


I think I have lost a relationship with a man who i loved.  He completely quit communicating with me.  I have e-mailed, texted, and called, with no response.  It has hurt me badly but this isn't the first relationship I've lost.  I still have his DVD's, Clothes, and ukelele.  I drove up to his cabin this past week.  His car was there, another car I'd never seen before.  I knocked on the door and heard from the back of the room a small dog start yapping.  I knocked again, the dog yapped some more.  I knew where he kept the key outside his cabin.  So I got it and tried to open the door.  It wouldn't open. I know there is a bolt on the inside of the door, that can be thrown across the door and it will not open.  But you have to be inside to do it.  So I assume he was in there.  I left him a note that I had written before leaving the house. Then when I left I called his cellphone. It did ring and I left a message, telling him how confused and hurt I was.  He responded to none of it.  Does he have a new Girlfriend?  My sister thinks he does.  I know that what he as been through with throat cancer has been very hard.  Does he have a new woman in his life?  The other thing that I think could be why he wants none of his stuff back is that he found out he is terminal.  Which it is?  I have no clue.  The throat Cancer he had told me last time we talked that it was gone.  I don't know, I just don't know.  


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