
July 18, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Passion seems to play an important roll in my life.  When I was young certain things drew me to them, Music, Story, Water, and Imagery.  Those four things I wanted to be close too.  That was why I took photography when I was young the music and the imagery.  Music still draws me.  That is why I sing in a choir these days.  Story was why I lost myself in fantasy foe awhile.  Story still draws me.  That is why i love movies and read books still.  Water is something I have neglected for several years now.  Last year I went swimming for the first time in probably a year and it screwed up my ears.  If I go again this year, I will use earplugs for my ears.  Water is something I have never feared.  Always jumped right in. When I walk or hike it is usually close to water and always want to see the water.  When I hike or bike the greenway, I am always looking for the river.  It flows beside much of the greenway.  

So now I try to find my own story, and I do tell it sometimes.  When I am in the right company.  It is a long story at this point.  Once years ago a publisher told me I should write my story.  I have the photos to illustrate it.  I question if anybody would want to read my story.  True, I spent much of my youth with many of the legends of Country Music and Rock & Roll and with the legends of Science Fiction and Fantasy.  So I don't know.  If it would be of interest or not.  Married twice and divorced twice.  I keep thinking it is not over with yet.  But as I get older it is like the world doesn't want you anymore.  No matter how much I try to put myself out there.  It just doesn't work.  Yet I keep after it.  

At this point I am probably the only woman in Nashville who was published in Life Magazine.  Now that has meaning to older people but not younger folk.  My book has a little more meaning to younger, but I am one of two women that I know who have had books out of their work.  Still after it, whatever it is.  Life.


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